Monday, July 20, 2009

Like a cool breeze...

In the path of life where things are not always pleasant, people are not always loving and situations are not always favorable; there is someone waiting to come to you, give you a hug, kiss on your forehead and say “Don’t worry now, I will love you, take care of you. Through the thicks and thins of life whenever you will look up you will find me holding your hand. I will be your shade on sunny days, your warmth on cold nights. I will lighten your way on dark scary paths and give you the strength to fight your worst nightmares. I will give you wings to fly and explore your horizons. I will relieve your from all your pains and sorrows. No matter what happens I will always LOVE YOU."


  1. badi love shuv ki batae hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm bachchae

  2. Baap re... High expectations :D

  3. Hmmm if you dont have a wish can it possibly come true... :-)

    good one! ladki is getting romantic eh! :-)
