Friday, June 5, 2009

Brain Churning

An empty mind is a devil’s workshop. Your mind wanders and rambles when you don’t have anything to do or focus on. This piece of mine is an outcome of such a state of mind.

Have you ever asked yourself where the life is taking you? Are you happy with what you are doing and where you are heading to? Are you the person you always wanted to be? I know for sure that everyone has these questions in mind but most of the times we just ignore the answers. We all spend almost half of our lives sitting in the four walls of office seldom doing stuff that we really want to do. Yes we do earn decent enough to spend on fancy clothing, gadgets, food and drinks. But does that money really compensate for the things that we are missing.

Most of us are living alone and away from our families. The only time that we get with them is a ten minute phone talk at the end of the day and if the day was screwed then we don’t even enjoy those ten minutes. After spending like twelve hours at work we are too exhausted and drained to do anything. This anything includes all the stuff that we always desired to do like working out in gym, cooking, talking to people we love, hanging out with friends. For people who are not bachelors are missing a greater deal in life. Can any amount of money equal your kid’s first smile or first steps?

When was the last time you did something really challenging at work which if not anyone but made you proud of yourself? There had been no complains if we were able to work on things which interests us. We would not mind even working 24X7 if that is something of our own. But most of the times we are doing the same mundane copy paste job which provides no value add to us.

I know that some people will not agree with the ideas that I put forward here. They will always counter by saying that if you really want to do something you will do it. I agree to this but most of the times it’s easier said then done.

P.S. - Now I have to get back to work. So more brain churning later on when my mind is empty again.


  1. Bingo... now are talkin my lingo. :-)

    One should always take steps towards doing thing s they always wanted to do. ( Its not only more fun and value add for life, it is also an economic priority in difficult times like these, because it gives you an alternative support.

  2. Whats the point you want to make? Did I miss it or did you forget to conclude it?

  3. as the title suggests, its just a brain dump. i m not trying to proove any point or suggest any theory. there are just my thoughts which were haunting my empty mind.
