Wednesday, July 29, 2009

All Changes are not Good

When people say changes are good, have you ever asked them why? Today my place in office is changed and I am not at all happy for it. Its not that I resist all changes but this one is particularly bad because of many reasons.

My new seat is close to all my managers. That means whatever I’ll be doing it will be visible to everyone. And I do a lot of things which I wouldn’t like my managers to see like chatting, blogging, chain emails, smsing, talking on phone, surfing shopping and job sites, reading comics, playing games and ofcourse sleeping on my desk. It’s not that I’ll leave doing all these things but now I’ll have to be more careful.

Gallery is very far from my place. Since I have less work these days I used to spend a lot of time in gallery talking on phone. Anyways here a good point is that now I’ll be walking a little more to reach there, so a good exercise for me.

My place is very close to the washroom. Now it’s debatable whether it is good or bad. Since I am in an IT company which has a good standing and a standard to maintain, atleast washrooms will not stink. So I guess that shouldn’t be a reason to bother. But yeah I’ll continuously have to watch people rushing in and out which will be a kind of disturbance. But yeah in case of urgency I will not have to walk a lot and wait for long :).

Anyways no point complaining now, the best thing is to get adjusted soon and make the best of this new situation.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Like a cool breeze...

In the path of life where things are not always pleasant, people are not always loving and situations are not always favorable; there is someone waiting to come to you, give you a hug, kiss on your forehead and say “Don’t worry now, I will love you, take care of you. Through the thicks and thins of life whenever you will look up you will find me holding your hand. I will be your shade on sunny days, your warmth on cold nights. I will lighten your way on dark scary paths and give you the strength to fight your worst nightmares. I will give you wings to fly and explore your horizons. I will relieve your from all your pains and sorrows. No matter what happens I will always LOVE YOU."

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How to say "Those three words"

Falling in love is easy, expressing it is tough.

I have seen lots of people around me struggling to say “I love You”. Somehow your head starts spinning, your hands and feet get numb, your vision turns blurred, your tongue is tied and the glory of the moment passes and leaves you thinking why I couldn’t say it. I may have exaggerated this a bit but I am sure that some people will agree with me.

Expressing love is not easy because when we think of doing that we get encompassed by many thoughts. “What if he/she says No”, “I don’t want to loose his/her friendship”, “Is this the right time to say it”, “Am I ready for this commitment”, “I will not be a laughing stock of all the people”, “When is the right moment to take this step”, “How will life will be after this proposition”.

I feel that few things should be thought of well before you think of expressing love. And here I am talking about serious love and commitment and not teenage flings. You should be sure that you are ready for a commitment and what will be the future of your relationship. One friend of mine has once said “I love you” to me. My very next question was “If I say I love u too, what does this mean to you. What have you decided for a relationship that we may form after my yes? What will be the future of it?” He had no answer and so clearly my answer was NO to him. So first answer these questions to yourself and when your are sure about things then its time to take the next step. Please don’t assume that if you have answers to all these questions you will surely get a Yes. But if you don’t have answers to all these questions you will surely get a NO.

Now you are ready to finally say it. Time and place does matter. Don’t choose a very crowded place or a rush hour. Try to go to his/her favorite place but don’t over prepare the place and surroundings. You don’t have to become a poet or a writer to say this. Most beautiful things are expressed in most simple words. You should have answers regarding the future of the relationship and how have you decided to go about things. You should be able to make the other person realize that how important he/she is for you and what positive impact they have in your life. But the most important thing is to keep an open mind. He/She may be a great friend of yours but it’s not necessary for them to reciprocate your feelings. And you can be great friends even after his/her NO.

Saying is always better then keeping it in heart and then regretting later that you should have said that. Go ahead and say it and if your feelings are true sooner or later you will be showered with love.