Friday, December 4, 2009
There is something about Honeymoon
• Females in awfully revealing outfits. Females, who would normally not even sport a kurta without a duppatta, will be seen wearing backless evening gowns, strange swim wears, short skirts and tight tops showing some of their desirable and mostly all undesirable curves. I agree that honeymoon is a very private and intimate occasion which fully justifies wearing sensuous attires but posting that images in public for everyone to see is little beyond sensibility.
• ‘We two are one soul two bodies’ pose. In other words man and wife very close to each other holding their, well not just hands. Ok, we understand, it’s your honeymoon, time to get cozy-pozy with each other but please posting those moments in public portal is embarrassing.
• ‘See my hotel room/bed’ pics. Guys, nobody cares what was the color of your bed sheet and walls of your hotel rooms. If you really have the itch to post some pics, we won’t mind seeing some good sceneries and picturesque landscapes.
• Lots of pics, really lots. People post like hundred odd pics of their honeymoon. Right from ‘here I am packing’ to ‘on my way to airport’ to ‘my coolie, my driver, my maid’ to ‘long queue at airport’ to ‘inside the flight’ to ‘hotel room’ to ‘dining room’ to ‘the loo’, you name it and you will find the pic.
• ‘I still love myself’ pics or in other words all solo pics. I have seen one honeymoon album which consisted of only guy’s pics. It seemed that he had his honeymoon all alone :P. Poor guy.
Honeymoon is a lifetime spent in weeks. Cherish it, live it, enjoy it but don’t let people like me make fun of it.
P.S. - All these are my personal observations and pointing to anyone in particular.
P.P.S. – May be I’ll also do the same when it’s my turn :D.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The New Ramp
If I recall my childhood days, traveling to some place usually consisted of a long 12-24 hours journey in a train or a bus. My mother used to dress in a comfortable saree or kurta which was not very expensive or exclusive. The whole idea was to have an easy travel and prevent expensive attire from getting ruined. Now a day it’s a complete paradigm shift. When traveling has reduced from days to just an hour or so, the concern of comfort has already vanished. And with rising status of people the showoff business has taken a grand leap.
Now when you enter airports you are dazzled. Skimpy jeans, short skirts, hot pants, backless tops, halter necks, Armani jackets, designer wears, high pencil heels, cufflinks, accessories, expensive perfumes, watches, sunglasses, jewelry, handbags etc are a norm. You name it and you will find someone wearing it. Mothers have nannies to manage their kids as it is not possible for them to display style and cater to kid at the same time. Males are busy chatting and displaying their top end mobile phones giving a damn about…well…anything. Woo hoo it surely does look like a ramp.
So when you travel next time, there are two options. Either be a spectator and enjoy the show or be a model and rock the ramp.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Laws of attraction - The story of Venusians
They care and care a lot. They care for their families, friends, colleagues, everyone. And so if they are attracted to a guy, they go an extra mile in this aspect. “Ohh!! You have got fever. You take rest and I’ll get you dinner.” “You are still in office. If there is some work related issue, please tell me. I am here to help.” These sweet gestures are enough to sweep anyone of their feet. A word of caution here – these feelings can be for good friends also and not necessarily for a person they are attracted to. So take some time before jumping into any conclusion.
Body language is more of a reliable indicator of attraction. Mostly gals won’t get physical to all the guys. This includes patting on someone’s back, holding hands, sleeping on your shoulder, caressing your hair, tickling you etc. So if they are doing all this to you, then there is certainly some spark between the two of you.
They make their presence felt. So if a gal likes you, she will be all around you. Even if you are separated from a distance, your mobile will keep beeping in regular intervals with her tiny texts. At the end of the day she will discuss all little little things that happened. And of course your mailbox will be flooded with her cute, pink forwards like flowers, teddies, romantic quotations etc.
They will dress to please you. Their wardrobe will suddenly be updated with all yours favorite colors and patterns. They will wear a smile on their lips and a twinkle in their eyes all day with just a single compliment from you.
They will buy you presents which will include all things you always wished to have. They will try to make all your events like parties, outings special and successful.
They will be vulnerable when you are around. They will discuss all their problems with you and will take all your suggestions seriously and will act on those.
Well if you are lucky enough, they will actually tell you what they feel about you. And if they don’t say, then you may have to guess from all the above indications. But again do remember the caution that I have mentioned. They may just be thinking of you as a good friend. But be optimistic guys, friendship leads to love.
This ‘Dil ka Dard’ can victimize anyone anytime. And when it hurts it shows. And when it hurts pleasantly it shows all the more. When next time you fall in the clutch of this highly contagious syndrome, do spread it :).
Friday, September 11, 2009
Where are we heading to....
So I logged in to see if some friends are online, of course the only hope I had was to find friends who are outside India . Or if insomnia has a mass strike too the way swine flu had then I could find my friends in India too. Unfortunately insomnia still has to catch up. Seeing no friend online was quite a disappointment. God!!! Now what? Suddenly something caught my attention. I saw my cousin online and his View my webcam at 2:30 AM was enough of a draft to snatch away my remaining slumber. And yes I am not being melodramatic and impulsive; the only reason for this bizarre reaction was that my cousin is in class 5th which means he is only 11-12 years of age.
I buzzed him and asked what is he doing? This is how our conversation went.
Me: Hey. What’s up?
My Cousin: Hey di. What keeps you awake this 2:30 ;-)
Me: Well. I should be the one asking this question.
My Cousin: Yeah…right. Well I am chatting with my friend.
Me: Hmmmm…is it not too late for that.
My Cousin: She is in US so I have to match the time.
Me: :O how come you have a friend in US.
My Cousin: She is my online buddy.
Me: Ohh ok. So what are you talking about? And what’s with the webcam?
My Cousin: Sorry di. It’s too personal to tell.
Me: Is anyone aware that you are up so late.
My Cousin: What are you talking about? They are going to reprimand me bad if they’ll come to know. Please don’t tell them.
OMG!!! Personal!!! Was my first reaction after this conversation. When I was of his age I didn’t even know what personal implies. For me computers were only meant for learning BASIC language and paint brush. Online buddies and webcam was a far cry. And I didn’t even dare to dream about doing something without telling my parents.
I decided to do the RCA of why there is such an enormous difference in thinking pattern of youth today. RCA!!! Uff these IT jargons won’t leave me alone even in the middle of the night. Btw RCA is Root Cause analysis. I could think of many reasons like – Impact of western culture, peer influence, increased nudity and profanity in cinema etc. All these reasons don’t even need further justification or explanation. And infact parents today are well aware of all these factors and they do try to prevent their kids. But I personally feel that the main reason for this drift is that parents of today are not able to spend much time with their kids. So when it is the time to imbibe values and teach culture to their children, parents are busy earning, working, partying, socializing and traveling. They are not able to give sufficient time to their children but they do provide swarming resources to them by fulfilling all the demands. This is making matters worse.
My chain of thoughts was broken by the alarm. It was 6:30 in the morning and time to get up. I wasn’t feeling too bad about the sleepless night as I at least gave a thought to a problem which I’ll be facing soon when I’ll have kids.
Advancing is not bad. We cannot expect things to be the same as they were twenty years back. This will be indicative of stagnancy and non progress. It is a great achievement to see children of today well versed with technologies like computers, internet, media, cellular phones. What is missing is the wisdom to distinguish between what is good and what is evil. If we elders can inculcate this sense in the coming generation, I see a bright future ahead of us.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Autumn Tree
For that was destiny to do us apart
I always thought to hold you back with something
But I know you will not stay
You think that life will be the same without you
As I have so many still clinging on to me
You don’t know that I will not be the same when you are away
My dear friend stay happy wherever you go
But must not forget there is me standing right there where you left me
Still with open arms to embrace you
Says the tree to the departing leaf
No matter what happens to me in the years to come
I just want you to know that I will always love you..
Friday, August 28, 2009
Laws of Attraction
If they don’t know the girl very well, the first thing they will try to find out if she is single or not. “Going early today? Plans with boyfriend?”, “Does your boyfriend calls you by that name”, “I just loved your dress but I am afraid that my compliment will offend your boyfriend”, “Why are all pretty girls engaged? And since you are so damn pretty I need not to say more”, “I am going to a disc, will you accompany me? Of course if your boyfriend permits”. To all these questions mostly she will reply whether she has a boyfriend or not. So, the first step is successfully concluded. If she is single, bingo; life is a rainbow. If she is not, a booze party with the all ‘guy gang’ (oh please ignore the word party). The real agenda of the meet is Swearing and cursing the whole world which essentially starts with the entire female population but still hesitating to include the subject of interest (the degree of swearing increases exponentially with the amount of pegs went inside). Next day they puke out all the emotions and heartaches and are ready for next one.
In a group of ten when everybody is talking sense and she is uttering crap, all their attention is still towards her. “That’s what my lady will say”, “OMG! We think so alike”, “Ahhh! You just stole my words”, “You are so bright”, “I just love the way you say things” – these will be their common reactions.
Her every email is the most valued possession in their inbox. Replying to her “Good Morning” or “Cartoon of the day” email is more important then replying to “Issues related to your code” mail.
She will always look pretty even if she is wearing a dress which resembles some country’s flag. Fluorescent green and pink become their favorite colors when it comes to dressing to impress her.
Her every joke is funny. Even though her sense of humor sucks it’s their responsibility to laugh their heart out at her jokes.
For them she is the most vulnerable creature in this planet. If they slightly, unknowingly and mistakenly smacked her hand, they will caress it for hours and will apologize “you can’t count it” number of times for it.
Her sms inbox will be full of cute messages, romantic poems and emotional shayaris. Even if they send to other guys worst swearing and non veg messages, for her they expressions are always cute and cuddly.
They are her self appointed body guards. So dare if some other guy approaches her, they are going to take a good case of him. Waiting for her in office when she is working late, dropping her home at night, picking her up in the morning, tolerating all her tantrums and mood swings and eccentricities will be their self assigned duties.
This is just few of the symptoms. Of course some may differ from person to person. So if you don’t booze, you can cure the ache by listening to sad romantic songs, saying senti lines to your friends till they slap and kick your ass and ask you to stop the nautanki or locking yourself inside the room and coming out realizing that yeah no one cares a damn on such eccentricities. For some attraction is just day dreaming about the girl and enjoying the fact that all your friends call her ‘Bhabhiji’ but no intentions of actually going to her and proposing her. Well any which ways this temporary/permanent ‘Dil ka Dard’ is an experience in itself.
So if till now you are spared for heart aches, get a life dudes!
P.S. – This was guys’ side story. Coming soon is gals’ side story.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Yeh Dilli hain mere yaar
Next day started with amazing parathas made by aunty, lil breakfast family chatting and rushing to occupy the washroom first to get ready. Important mention here is that Ujju took the longest time to get ready, he perhaps wanted to create a big impression on Delhi babes (tottaas as we call them with all our love). Rishi’s chacha ji gave us lift to Palika and saved us from the extreme heat. There we met more friends – Punu (Poonam), Tinu (Amit), these people I have always heard of but never got a chance to meet and Sakshi, the old FTP pal. Rishi by now was all shining, now I am not sure if that was because of shiny particles from the bouquet smeared to his face or because of Punu. Ujju was looking a little disappointed, no eye candy as yet for him. Palika was an amazing place. When you get a 350 Rs belt just for 80 bucks you are sure to love shopping there. Where Rado watch is bargained for 150 bucks, yups a duplicate one. Punu and Tinu were exceptionally good in bargaining. May be I’ll learn that skill from them someday. The only villain was heat. It was really really bad. After sauntering for sometime in Palika and Janpath it was time to rush home. There was a party at Rishi’s place in evening. The occasion was uncle’s birthday. The home was somewhat changed from what we have left in the morning. No no the wall color was still the same, it was just that there were so many people. Yes all relatives, family, friends, cousins, kids loitering around in the house. Everyone was so Punjabi, I could feel the Punjabi vibes of fun, laughter, eating, bakar all around me. And yes I loved it. So after havan and awesome dinner it was time to rock the night. So we planned to go to Elevates.
Elevates – one of the famous discs of Noida and I guess Delhi too. All gals (Pal, Punu and Sakshi) got ready in their jazzy, flashy outfits and high heels. All guys (Rishi, Ujju, Tinu and Sandesh) got dressed in stylish shirts, jeans and ofcourse formal shoes. I never understand why sneakers are not allowed in discs. Anyways that’s a different topic. The place was usual – loud, noisy, smoky and crammed. We danced there for four good hours and it was great fun. There were babes and dudes and couples all around. All the couples were passionately and intimately dancing with their partners. At 4 when all realized that we have reached our thresholds and gals cannot take those high heels anymore, it was time to move. We went straight to Rishi’s uncle’s home and once again I dozed off like a dog.
Next day again started with great breakfast of sandwiches and poha. This time it was chachi’s culinary skills. It was a lazy and sleepy day. Well if you party all night then next day is going to be gloomy. So we somehow dragged our asses out of the bed and by the time we got ready it was already 3 in the afternoon. It was the day of the big fat Indian wedding. Finally it was time to officially handover over bigtime rotlu buddy Div to Rahul. The plan for the day was to see Qutub Minar first and then to attend the wedding. The meeting point was GIP mall (or Spice mall) where Punu was waiting for us in the cab. The cab ride was ok, it was a decent cab and atleast AC was there for some relief. The first stop was Divya’s place. We wanted to see the bride before her big day or perhaps big night. Div was looking pretty exhausted (I can imagine), with almost 1 kg weight hanging from her each hand who will not be tired. We had a lil bakar with her, uncle and aunty. Then we moved and destination next was Qutub Minar. Well I liked the monument though I imagined it to be more elaborate. The night view was not something very great and so after clicking few pics we moved back to Divya’s place to get ready for wedding.
Wedding was in a garden. It was a huge garden, nicely decorated but yes the heat was killing. We met our old pals Khush and Abhishek there. After the usual bakar session we went to the room where Divya was sitting. My my, she looked like a doll. I have never seen her looking so pretty. Ofcourse makeup did the trick here, hehe, but truly she was flawless. Receiving the baraat and groom was also a great and funny experience. Now in Delhi or probably in Punjabis, I am not sure whose tradition is that, the groom has to bribe all her sister in laws before he can get in. So there was a bargaining session between the baraatis and all sister in laws and there was some literal pushing involved. Yes believe me we literally pushed the groom and the baraat with full force. Poor Rahul could barely manage to hold on to his sehra. Finally after much tussle the sister in laws finally agreed to take rupees five thousand and let the baraat in. Yeah it was fun though. There was one awesome babe at the wedding. A real eye candy, bigtime totta. All guys enjoyed staring at her. Rest of the wedding was usual and we came back home at 2:30 in night. And once again I dozed off like a dog.
Next day was not so happening. We already carried a tan coz of extreme heat and so we decided on our last resort of roaming in malls. We went to GIP mall, did bowling, some shopping, bakar and munching. We came back at 10 in night and at 12 o clock we celebrated uncle’s birthday. Rishi’s relatives were there and so had quite a blast in the night. Rishi’s cousin Prashni got a yummy black forest cake and we gifted uncle a huge flower vase. After 1:30 everyone dissipated and we finally called it a day.
So the day finally arrived. It was time to say bye bye to Delhi . We went to Spice mall in morning. I first time went to a 4D theatre. It was ok, not too great. At 3:30 we came back home. Then we played dumbsherads with aunty, chachi, Prashni and Daksh. Finally the cab came at 7 in eve and we left for airport.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna
He: I think we can still make it work. I just need some time.
She: I am ready to wait. You tell me that you will be mine after ten years then I will wait for ten years without a single word of whine. Can you assure me that?
He: Please understand that it is difficult for me to give any such commitment of time frame. All I can say is that I am trying.
She: I know that you are trying. I have been hearing this for long time and I always trusted you. But somehow you do not understand my situation. I can’t sleep in night thinking about our future, I can’t concentrate on work, I can’t enjoy anything, all I just keep thinking about is what next shock is waiting for me. I remember the lovely days I spent with you; I remember the ugly nights I have spent crying without you, I think this all is making me insane. I never thought that this relationship will give me so much pain.
He: I wish I could do something to lessen your pain. But somehow things are going out of my hand. I had always hoped that I will keep you happy but seems I am not able to that anymore. Please tell me what can I do to get you back to your ‘happy go lucky’ self?
She: If you really want to do something for me then just let me go. I had some great memories of the past with you and I atleast don’t want them to fade away because of our miserable present.
He: You know I can’t do that.
She: Life is not always the way you want it. You can’t promise to be with me and you don’t want me to go. I can’t live in such dilemma. Now since you are not able to decide its time for me to say ‘Good Bye’. I loved you and I love you but I will not always love you.
It was not easy for her to say all that. But may be he will never understand. She did cry her eyes out for so many days. But may be he will never understand. He did try to resolve things for good. But may be she will never understand.
Monday, August 3, 2009
One more year...
On personal front I met some new people, made some new friends. Some special people walked in my life to stay forever. Presence of such people around me made life more beautiful, colorful and delightful.
One more year in the beautiful journey of life makes me feel a little older but at the same time fills me with zeal to face new challenges and to look forward to what interesting lies in the future.
Happy Birthday to me :-)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
All Changes are not Good
My new seat is close to all my managers. That means whatever I’ll be doing it will be visible to everyone. And I do a lot of things which I wouldn’t like my managers to see like chatting, blogging, chain emails, smsing, talking on phone, surfing shopping and job sites, reading comics, playing games and ofcourse sleeping on my desk. It’s not that I’ll leave doing all these things but now I’ll have to be more careful.
Gallery is very far from my place. Since I have less work these days I used to spend a lot of time in gallery talking on phone. Anyways here a good point is that now I’ll be walking a little more to reach there, so a good exercise for me.
My place is very close to the washroom. Now it’s debatable whether it is good or bad. Since I am in an IT company which has a good standing and a standard to maintain, atleast washrooms will not stink. So I guess that shouldn’t be a reason to bother. But yeah I’ll continuously have to watch people rushing in and out which will be a kind of disturbance. But yeah in case of urgency I will not have to walk a lot and wait for long :).
Anyways no point complaining now, the best thing is to get adjusted soon and make the best of this new situation.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Like a cool breeze...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
How to say "Those three words"
I have seen lots of people around me struggling to say “I love You”. Somehow your head starts spinning, your hands and feet get numb, your vision turns blurred, your tongue is tied and the glory of the moment passes and leaves you thinking why I couldn’t say it. I may have exaggerated this a bit but I am sure that some people will agree with me.
Expressing love is not easy because when we think of doing that we get encompassed by many thoughts. “What if he/she says No”, “I don’t want to loose his/her friendship”, “Is this the right time to say it”, “Am I ready for this commitment”, “I will not be a laughing stock of all the people”, “When is the right moment to take this step”, “How will life will be after this proposition”.
I feel that few things should be thought of well before you think of expressing love. And here I am talking about serious love and commitment and not teenage flings. You should be sure that you are ready for a commitment and what will be the future of your relationship. One friend of mine has once said “I love you” to me. My very next question was “If I say I love u too, what does this mean to you. What have you decided for a relationship that we may form after my yes? What will be the future of it?” He had no answer and so clearly my answer was NO to him. So first answer these questions to yourself and when your are sure about things then its time to take the next step. Please don’t assume that if you have answers to all these questions you will surely get a Yes. But if you don’t have answers to all these questions you will surely get a NO.
Now you are ready to finally say it. Time and place does matter. Don’t choose a very crowded place or a rush hour. Try to go to his/her favorite place but don’t over prepare the place and surroundings. You don’t have to become a poet or a writer to say this. Most beautiful things are expressed in most simple words. You should have answers regarding the future of the relationship and how have you decided to go about things. You should be able to make the other person realize that how important he/she is for you and what positive impact they have in your life. But the most important thing is to keep an open mind. He/She may be a great friend of yours but it’s not necessary for them to reciprocate your feelings. And you can be great friends even after his/her NO.
Saying is always better then keeping it in heart and then regretting later that you should have said that. Go ahead and say it and if your feelings are true sooner or later you will be showered with love.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
The Magic of First Kiss
“It’s a special day…hmmmmm…lets do some preparation.” thought Rohan as he entered the shopping mall. He got an expensive white shirt and a mild romantic perfume for the occasion. “White is her favorite, Priya is gonna love this.”
Priya was no less excited. She also did her bit of shopping by buying a strawberry flavored lip gloss. After all this is what the occasion wanted.
And so they met. The setting was perfect. Sun has settled down and cool breeze was blowing. The green grass and flowers were letting a nice feel and aroma to the surroundings. They sat down on the green grass carpet. Rohan held her hand; Priya with a little hesitation came close to him and closed her eyes. And then the magical moment happened when their lips touched for the first time.
“hmmmm…mmmmm…ahem…this was just so…ahhhh…how to put it…this was just so…HORRIBLE” thought Rohan. “Why did she have ONION parathas in dinner?”
Strawberry Lip Gloss – Rs. 350
White Shirt – Rs. 1500
Romantic Perfume – Rs. 2500
First kiss with a tint of ONION – Priceless :D
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Blind Date - The Love Story - Part 1
They first bumped into each other some eight months back. She was in final year of Law College and her brother from US has got her a new cellphone. Her curiosity with the new gadget somehow dialed a number and it was him at the other side. It was a normal two second wrong number chit chat. But there was some force somewhere acting in bringing these two souls together and so he called her back again. It was awkward for her to get a call from complete stranger whom number she dialed by mistake. And the first thought was that this guy is some bad, vagabond guy groping for a girl. But he sounded nice and she couldn’t refuse that she felt attracted to his voice. And so after initial awkwardness they started talking. And slowly he became a part of her life. He was the one voice she wished to listen before going to sleep. He was the one voice she wished to hear first in the morning. They used to talk about their likes, dislikes, dreams, aspirations, friends, family, work, society and almost everything. Her friends already started teasing her on her new found lover. Life was like a fairy tale.
He was an architect and was working with one US multinational firm. Till this time they were more then happy and contented talking to each other and so they never thought of an actual meeting. But one fine day he got to know that he will have to travel to California for some project in 2 weeks time. That was the time he asked her to meet him. She always wanted to meet him and so without a second thought she agreed. But soon the thought of meeting him made her miserable. The reason was that she was not good looking. She was little fat had wheatish complexion, rough hair and a slight limp in her right leg. He on the other hand was gorgeous. Six feet tall, nice built and fair. Though they have exchanged their pictures earlier but she was always in doubt that he will not love her after they meet. But anyways whatever will be the outcome, they were destined to meet.
A knock on the door brought her back from the trance. Her friends came to see her and boost her for the big day. “Life is so tough without friends” thought she. Somebody got her a new dress, somebody a new footwear and some were just busy putting makeup on her not so beautiful face, in the hope that this will make her shine on her big day. They all unanimously decided that a white Indian dress will be the best for the occasion. She always looked nice in whites, atleast people always said so. But she was not bothered about all that. Her heart was in a bigger trauma. So many memories from the past, so many doubts about the future. Her feeling of joy to meet him was crushed by so many second thoughts.
She was alone again. All her friends left. Her thoughts were running faster then time and tears were rolling down her eyes. The very idea of he leaving her was killing her. She cannot take it anymore and then almost impulsively reached out for the phone.
“Hello” he said and without waiting for her to say anything he continued, “I am so excited about today evening. I can’t express my feelings in words. I...”
“Listen” she interrupted in between. “There is something I want to say”, her voice trembled, her face was red and tears well rolling continuously. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for us to meet. I really like you but I don’t see my future with you. This may sound rough but I can’t live with this feeling anymore. I think we should just be apart and don’t try to see and talk to each other now”. She finally said those words, the words that bruised her heart so deep that the pain will never heal, the words that stabbed her soul, the words that shook her existence, the words that took away all her joy and love from her life.
He was dumbstruck. It was like someone hammered him so hard that his whole body was numb. “Who says that guys don’t cry” he thought wiping his tears. Before he could even think of anything to say she kept the phone down.
There was silence, dead silence. “Is it the same feeling that one gets just seconds before dying?” Both were thinking that. She was happy for him as she thought that he deserved someone much better then her. He was blank, thoughtless, vulnerable and unable to think what went wrong. She kept staring at the phone, a some part of her still felt that he will call her back, but he didn’t. “And why would he, I did so wrong to him. I don’t deserve him and his love. I don’t deserve anything in life.” thought she. And after crying profusely for sometime she slept.
All love stories don’t always have a happy ending. I don’t know about this one until I write the second part…
Friday, June 5, 2009
Brain Churning
Have you ever asked yourself where the life is taking you? Are you happy with what you are doing and where you are heading to? Are you the person you always wanted to be? I know for sure that everyone has these questions in mind but most of the times we just ignore the answers. We all spend almost half of our lives sitting in the four walls of office seldom doing stuff that we really want to do. Yes we do earn decent enough to spend on fancy clothing, gadgets, food and drinks. But does that money really compensate for the things that we are missing.
Most of us are living alone and away from our families. The only time that we get with them is a ten minute phone talk at the end of the day and if the day was screwed then we don’t even enjoy those ten minutes. After spending like twelve hours at work we are too exhausted and drained to do anything. This anything includes all the stuff that we always desired to do like working out in gym, cooking, talking to people we love, hanging out with friends. For people who are not bachelors are missing a greater deal in life. Can any amount of money equal your kid’s first smile or first steps?
When was the last time you did something really challenging at work which if not anyone but made you proud of yourself? There had been no complains if we were able to work on things which interests us. We would not mind even working 24X7 if that is something of our own. But most of the times we are doing the same mundane copy paste job which provides no value add to us.
I know that some people will not agree with the ideas that I put forward here. They will always counter by saying that if you really want to do something you will do it. I agree to this but most of the times it’s easier said then done.
P.S. - Now I have to get back to work. So more brain churning later on when my mind is empty again.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Long Distance Relationship
One kind of relationship which no one willingly wants to go for is a long distance. The very idea of not being able to hold your beloved’s hand, look into each other’s eyes or kiss each other; makes it miserable. There are times when you are low, there are times when you are high and in all those times you need your love close to you. So basically a long distance relationship is not a great idea. But the fact is some of the times it’s not really in our hands to decide what kind of relationship we want to be in. There may be other commitments (both professional and personal) which may prevent one from being physically close to their love for some time. And so instead of complaining about this one should look at the bright side of this kind of relationship.
A long distance relationship makes you expressive verbally. You cannot touch and see each other, than words are the only ways to convey feelings.
A long distance relationship makes you emotionally strong and stable. You try to resolve problems on your own instead of just relying on your partner.
A long distance relationship brings out the actual depth of a relation. As now the bonding between two people is beyond physical desires. As it is rightly said, absence makes the heart grow fonder.
A long distance relationship makes you realize the importance of your love. When you miss your love in all little little things, you come to know how much they are an integral part of your life.
A long distance relationship gives you a chance to give time to people who are also important in your life like your friends.
Ofcourse there is nothing greater than being with your love all the time. But a long distance relationship increases the ecstasy of meeting your love. And for relief of every love bird there, don’t forget that in today’s time your love is just a phone call away or just a few hours of flight away :-).
Monday, May 25, 2009
Life is Precious
I came across this video in Youtube and it really touched my heart.
In today's fast and speedy world where everyone is running behind something or the other, we have somehow forgotten to live. In the tussles and struggles for things like money, fame, power and other worldly pleasures life has taken a back seat. When did it happen last time that you thanked God for giving you a beautiful life? We are never done complaining about little things without realizing that there is nothing better than a healthy and peaceful life of yours and your loved ones.
We get only one Life...cherish it...
Friday, May 8, 2009
Pain of Loneliness…
"As I close my eyes on this day
All I can see is black gloomy walls around me
Gone were those blooming flowers
Gone were those clear blue skies
Gone were those chirping birds
Gone were those smiling faces
I always felt that someone will be around all the time
But my dreams are shattered
Even my shadow has parted way!!"
P.S. - These kind of thoughts come to your mind when you are made to work on a Saturday :-(
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Euthanasia - Can Death Be An Answer
This can happen to anyone, with anyone. And the question in the end is “How long”. Is it fair to end a life which doesn’t resemble living anyways?
I am talking about Euthanasia which (in Greek) means ‘well death’. It refers to the practice of ending a life in a painless manner. From the day when I first heard and understood the meaning of this word, I always pondered if this act is humane or brutal. Since it possesses the tints of both good and evil, it is always been into controversies.
If a person is suffering from endless pain, or if he is alive only on ventilators and ICU rooms then it sounds quite justifiable to set him free. This will not only cease his anguish but will also give a relief to his near and dear ones. This decision is tough for everyone but if thought logically (which is also tough), it does good to all. Frees the person from his/her pain, frees the relatives from the constant hopes and worries, frees many medical facilities which can be used on people who can be saved from traumatic lives and can live again.
On the other hand is it not immoral to take someone’s life when that person is not able to protect himself. Is it not like murder in cold blood? Atleast when the person is alive (by certain criteria and support equipments) the near and dear ones have the comfort of holding his/her hands, getting a feel of them. Is it fair to rob them from these feelings?
"She gazed inside the ICU room from the glass door. He was lying there covered in snow clad sheet and a mesh of wires running throughout his body. He still looked stunning. She knew that she loved him. She also had an urge to get loved. But she knew that it will never happen. Her heart was asking this question again and again – How long?"
P.S. – I am not trying to be judgmental on this. All these are my personal views and not intended to hurt anyone.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Friday Friendship
When I think of such people I think of Friday friendship. The memories that I have of the time spend with these people is like old wine, it gets stronger and better with time. We formed this group in Hexaware and in the start it has four members (the proud founders of this great and nasty association) – Ujjwal, Rishi, Divya and Khushbu. A little history reveals that it started with Divya and Ujjwal planning to go for a movie on Christmas ‘05. Rishi met them on their way and joined them. This was the beginning of an era for us. Down the line it was joined by me, Khushbu, Navdeep and Atul. And this is how it got this name, we all were in different projects (me and Rishi were in same) and so Friday used to be the only time when we all could get together in eve and blow off some steam. And these evening encounters used to be legendary :-).
The beauty of this group was in the diversity of the people forming it. With Ujju as Neta, Rishi as Nautanki, Div as Rotlu, Khush as Abhi-neta, Atul as Happy go Lucky, Navdeep as Day Dreamer and Me as Always be Happy, things have to have happening, interesting and sometimes wayward, atrocious.
And so we bloomed in full glory with time spent in late night movie shows, munching at BTC, hanging around in KK, kulfi at dmart, bowling, gaming, shopping, finding reasons to take parties from each other, teasing, going for a movie in a theatre which is hours away from our place (remember Fanaa), spending eve in marine drive and coming back with someone losing her mobile phone (poor Khush) and finally resorting to blabbering which is our forte

“What are the plans for the weekend” or “Which movie we are going tonight” or “When is your party” chain mails become part and parcel of our lives and permanent visitors of our mail boxes. Where in everyone is free to pour in any senseless thought and others reciprocating in the same way.
There had been several interesting incidents so far but there is one which still makes me laugh hard. This was when we realized Ujjwal’s aura. We all were going to some place (don’t remember) in the local train. We were sitting in one row and Ujjwal in row front of us. Since he was recently back from US, he was telling us some interesting stories. Then all of a sudden he realized and in fact we all realized that the guy sitting next to Ujjwal was looking at him with so much admiration, liking and love (I know Ujjwal is going to beat me for this) in his eyes. This made Ujjwal so conscious that for a second he forgot what he was saying. That guy’s expression along with Ujjwal’s left us in splits because of laughter. I wished I would have captured that moment.
Another legendary experience was the trip to Borivali national park. I don’t know who made that plan. If I knew that, I would have killed that person. It was one of the lazy hot Saturday mornings, when you were lying in your bed all curled up cozily and suddenly a phone call comes with a weird plan of going out in perching sun and scorching heat to a place which does not offer any excitement. But when it’s a group plan you got to do it. So we all dragged ourselves out of the bed and got ready in record time. After a quick meet at D Mart the route was decided. It was something like taking a train to VT, then taking a cab to Churchgate and then taking a train to Borivali. So we intelligent souls got the train tickets to Churchgate, it’s only that poor we didn’t realize that we are boarding a VT train and not a Churchgate train. That day was a pure lucky day for us, as in Mumbai several people travel in locals without a ticket and never get caught and we; instead of having (wrong) tickets got caught by the TT. Then started a long session of proving ourselves innocent and it did work and we could find a way out by bribing the TT. By that time we all had already turned frantic and were in no mood to proceed further. But few cold drinks, sandwiches and burgers brought the enthusiasm back and we finally reached the destination. And as it was a lucky day for us (I guess now you can sense the sarcasm) we saw some great animals including a donkey, dog, few birds and of course few couples (humans are also animals). Of course the day was long and many lucky things happened to us including not getting a bus on our way back. All in all it was a trip worth remembering.
I think I can go on and on remembering all the good times I spend with this group. We still do hang around together though some people are now little away, only by distance criteria. I love these people and they form an eternal part of me and my life. This is for Friday Friendship, this is for US.
Even though we've changed and we're all finding our own place in the world, we all know that when the tears fall or the smile spreads across our face, we'll come to each other because no matter where this crazy world takes us, nothing will ever change so much to the point where we're not all still friends.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
How to beat Monday Blues
· Don’t leave any work pending on Friday. Any unfinished work will haunt you over the weekend and will hover around your mind all Monday morning increasing your blues.
· Leave your desk neat and clean on Friday. A sight of a messed up workplace is definitely going to worsen your Monday pain.
· Well this may not be possible all the time but if you have something new to wear on Mondays the blues reduce drastically.
· For all booze lovers (this one is not based on my experience) try not to drink on Sunday night. The hangover is going to make your Mondays blues bad if not worse.
· If you are a food lover, carry your favourite dish in lunch or plan a lunch outing in advance.
· Sleep on time on Sunday night. Don’t party late.
· Wake up little early on Monday morning. Talk to one person you really want to talk to. Take a long luxurious shower; pamper yourself with a nice aroma.
· This may sound weird but I have really seen it working. If you have your love interest at your work place you really look forward to Mondays, Tuesdays, in fact all days of the week.
These are just little guides to fight the Monday monster. I have tried implementing some and they have worked a bit but I am still not completely over this syndrome. Do try these and let me know if they worked for you. Till then enjoy the blues :-).
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
I love you…I actually do
Boy: Hey honey…how are you?
Girl: Same question in every two hours. I am all good sweetheart.
Boy: You will be all good. It’s me who is running into huge cell phone bills. Great to hear that. How was your day?
Girl: All days are the same. I don’t know why this question comes again and again. Day was ok. Nothing much happened. You had your dinner?
Boy: This girl only thinks about food. Yes I had it. Now next question will be what I had? God! Save me.
Girl: What you had?
Boy: Hehe…I told you. I had aloo paratha.
Girl: That’s good. So tell me about your day. Ohhh God now I’ll have to bear with all the technical details of his work.
Boy: I had a tough day. Remember that module in which I was getting the ora error 0555….
Girl: Zzzzzzzzz
Boy: Finally it got resolved when I changed the calling sequence in the main module…
Girl: Zzzzzzzzz
Boy: You are getting me…right?
Girl: Yes of course. Please save me God.
Boy: Tell me about your day.
Girl: I had a great day. Remember the top that you had gifted me. I wore it today at work and got loads of compliment.
Boy: Girlszzzzzzzzzzzzzz…their day is good only when people compliment them. They seem to be a major reason of global recession. No work, only gossip. That’s great honey. You look fabulous in that one. Yeah I mean it.
Girl: I look good in it because you have gifted me that. Yeah I mean it. And as such I look good all the time.
Boy: I’ll have to doze off now sweetie. I have to get up early tomorrow. I really want to talk more though.
Girl: Sure baby. He didn’t talk anything romantic :(.
Boy: I love you. I actually do.
Girl: I love you too. I actually do.
And this is how it goes. I had tried to put it in a lighter way as my sole intention here is to generate some humor. If you can relate to it, well and good. If you can’t just enjoy the conversation.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Antics of moon
The moon develops the imagination, as chemicals develop photographic images.
Today I got late in office and while coming back in my company bus I could see the moon. It was a glorious full moon and the first thing that I did, was to sms some of my friends and ask them to see the wonderful aura of it. The variety of responses that I received made me wonder about the kind of emotional stir that moon causes in us.
I’ll start with my reaction when I saw it. I found it soothing and cute like the face of a baby who is all smiles to see her mother after a hard day in school. I found it serene like the smile of a young girl in love. I found it contented like the smile of an old lady who still has her life partner holding her hand.
One friend replied that he found it utterly romantic. This sight of moon makes him nostalgic. Even I do agree with him here. Moon does symbolise love. In fact it is beautifully described in these lines.
The feeling of love is the same feeling that you get when you stare into the moon on a clear night.
One friend replied that she found it very serious and poignant. The sight of moon made her miss her love a lot.
The moon's turned black; for I love him, and He didn't love back
One friend replied that he found it scary. The sight of full moon reminds him of all the frightening stories of lunatics and vampires. Weird I thought.
One friend replied furiously by saying people like you have no work but to find some bizarre meaning of pretty scientific things like a full moon. I can understand that, he must be having a bad day at work.
All these examples just prove that how different people get different impulses from the moon. Moon is truly marvellous. In fact few days back we all saw a moon smiley in the sky :). That was truly amazing. It was as if the moon is trying to give us a message to keep smiling in all thicks and thins.
I will conclude with these lovely lines.
The moon, like a flower
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
A woman’s perspective
The first thing is intelligence. Yes woman are crazy for guys who are intelligent. So guys buckle up. If you have your facts and logic in place, women will be all around you.
The second thing is sophistication. Yes woman do get attracted to sexy velvet English or neutral accents and impeccable styles, dressing and behavior. So if you burp in public or do belching while eating or talk in a vernacular accent or smell like shit or wear crumpled clothing or have unkempt hair, then I am sorry to say you have a long way to go to find a woman.
The third thing is confidence. This can really help to sweep her off her feet. So approach a woman with your chin up, shoulders straight, poised posture, mature voice and I bet she will be all yours. And if you are fumbling, stammering or wavering then my friend better luck next time.
The fourth thing is give attention to her. So if she is looking pretty then don’t hesitate in giving a genuine compliment. But please don’t resort to fake appreciations as all women may not be so dumb to understand it.
Well I guess at this point you might be thinking that I am talking about all external or physical factors. Actually these factors are important to at least get into proximity of a woman. If you don’t have them, believe me how good you are as a person, it will be difficult for you to make her yours. But to make a woman fall in love with you, you need much more then these external/physical things. Let’s try and explore that.
You should be caring. Yes if you love her it should show in the way you care for her. By caring it doesn’t mean that you are hovering around her all the time. It means that your woman feels that if anything goes wrong you will be there to protect her. If she is trapped in some problem you will be there to rescue her. It’s not necessary that you are there in her good times but you should be/must be there in her bad times.
You should not try to change her. Yes this is a big no no. Woman of today knows what is right and what is wrong. So don’t try to judge her doings. She may find it as an intrusion to her personality. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t correct her if she is on a wrong side. Talk to her, explain your view point and try to bring out the problems with her actions but always leave the final decision to her. Doing this will make her realize that she was wrong. And she will be thankful to you in guiding her but not commanding her.
I would stop here. I won’t again say the things like you should understand her and above all love her with all you have. Anyways if you have chosen a woman to be your companion for the rest of you life, loving her will come naturally.
P.S. – Not all women may have the same perspective as mine. So observe her carefully first and then only try all these. And I don’t take any guarantee for any of the things suggested above if tried on any other women apart from me :-).
Monday, April 6, 2009
Don't Mix Drinking And Driving
I went to a party Mom,
I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom,
So I drank soda instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mom,
The way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom,
Even though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing, Mom,
I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom,
As everyone is driving out of sight
As I got into my car, Mom,
I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me,
So responsible and sweet
I started to drive away, Mom,
But as I pulled out into the road,
The other car didn't see me, Mom,
And hit me like a load...
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom,
I hear the policeman say,
"The other guy is drunk," Mom,
And now I'm the one who will pay.
I'm lying here dying, Mom....
I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom?
My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mom,
And most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom,
I'll die in a short time.
I just wanted to tell you, Mom,
I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom.
The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank
And I will die.
Why do people drink, Mom?
It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now.
Pains just like a knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom,
And I don't think it's fair.
I'm lying here dying
And all he can do is staring.
Tell my brother not to cry, Mom.
Tell Daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom,
Put "GOOD BOY" on my grave.
Someone should have told him, Mom,
Not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom,
I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom.
I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom.
When I needed you, you were always there.
I have one last question, Mom.
Before I say good bye,
I didn't drink and drive,
So why am I the one to die?
Baanwra mann dekhne chala ek sapna
Most of the times I am so preoccupied in the daily chores, that this child in me has no options but to sob silently in the hope that someday I’ll notice. Yesterday I had some free time in office and so I got a chance to do a rendezvous with the child inside me and then I got to know the weirdest things the child inside me wanted to do.
The first thing is to take a break from work and go to a long holiday. This is not weird though. Mostly people want to go to flashy and fancy places like Paris, Singapore, Vegas etc. And most of the times I am also in that category. But this child in me wants to go to a place close to nature, quiet and lonely. A place where I’ll get a chance to discover myself. A place where I won’t have to think about any problem, personal or professional. A place where no one will be watching me. A place where no one will be questioning me. A place where there is no right or wrong, practical or emotional. A place where I can be just me. A place surrounded by high mountains or deep blue oceans. A place where I can unveil myself, where I can lie naked on white sand or green grass without bothering about people’s stare. A place which will make me feel that heaven is a place on earth.
The second thing is to fall in love. Yes this is weird. I mean falling in love is not something that you would want, it just happens. But the child in me wants me to fall in love. I have always resisted this by saying single by choice. And most of the times I meant it. But I do feel the need of a person in my life who will always be there with me. Who will accept me as I am without being judgemental on my doings. Who will love me for reasons beyond reason. Who will stand by me against all odds. Who will made me believe again that love is so serene and beautiful.
The third thing is to do something breadth taking and adventurous. I have been a not so adventurous person always. And so the child in me wants me to break this shell and explore the wildest possibilities this world has to offer. A point where you can experience how death will feel like without actually dying. Bungee jumping, ice climbing, scuba diving, skydiving, rafting in turbulent rivers, wildlife safaris would be the few ones that I would like to try. I am not very sure how physically toned I am to try all this but I would definitely like to do these once in my lifetime.
The fourth thing is to spend a day of my life like a princess. To spend a day as if there is no tomorrow. A day when things will happen the way I want. A day when I can go to places I only dream of going or at least I cannot afford to go to such places frequently. A day when I can meet people whom I have always admired, but was never been lucky to meet them. A day when I can buy things without looking at how much they cost. A day when everyone will losok at me and say that I want to be like her. This dream of mine exposes a more materialistic side of me. But I believe everyone has this shade in their personalities but most people are not very comfortable in bringing it out.
The fifth thing is to learn how to play a synthesizer. Well this is not something which is unrealistic or weird and I cannot do it. It’s just that I did not do it yet and so the child in me is getting restless.
Well it was a one small day and so unfortunately I had to bring this rendezvous to an end. But it was nice talking to my own self and to know the things that something inside me craves for.
I would like to conclude with the beautiful lyrics of a lovely song...
Baavra mann dekhne chala ek sapna
Baavre se mann ki dekho
Baavri hain baatein
Baavri si dhadkanein hain
Baavri hain saansein
Baavri si karvaton se nindiya tu bhaage
Baavre se nain chaahein
Baavre jharokhon se
Baavre nazaaron ko takna
Baavra mann dekhne chala ek sapna
Why do people fall in love…
Why do people fall in love…to some it may sound a stupid question, to some it may not even sound like a question. You love someone that’s it; there is nothing to reason in that. To some it may be as logical a question as why earth is round. Let me think which category do I fit in, frankly till recently I was in a logical group who believes that everything has a reason and can be brought down to equations where we know what is x, y and why x+y=z. Well if I sound encrypted here I am just trying to emphasize that till recently I have been a very logical person. Of course if “till recently” is catching your eye a lot, please stand by me for some more time and you will get to know.
So back to my question – why do people fall in love? The answer will be different for different people. For a five year old it’s just finding a person who will share his jolly rancher candy with him or will still give you a warm hug when you are all drenched in mud. Is this love? It might be for those 5 year olds but can’t say if we logical league of people will consider it as love.
Well then before answering why do people fall in love lets answer what is love. Well instead of putting some famous personality quote here, let me try defining it in my own way.
Love is what makes you feel good about yourself.
Love is what gives meaning to your existence.
Love is what makes world around you beautiful.
Love is like a poetry written by your own heart.
Love is like a song which you hear every time you think of that special someone.
Love is what makes you smile without a reason.
Love is what makes you complete.
Wow love is so beautiful. And so falling in love should be equally beautiful. And that’s the reason people fall in love. I would have loved to stop with this pleasing thought. But I can see people around me who are not so happy in love which makes me ponder again over my original question.
I have a friend of mine who is suffering a great deal in her love life. I was talking to her the other day trying to pacify her pain. After two years of strong and bound relationship she and her boyfriend are still wondering if they have chosen the right person. Now what went wrong here…what happened to all those lovely things that I talked about love just now? Didn’t they realize before falling that they are not meant to be together? It sometimes happens in life that you are in need of a person who can be with you, hold you and support you. This need often brings two souls close to each other. And finding such a person is so overwhelming and delightful that you are temporarily blinded by heat and shine of your new relationship. And when your eyes do open up after sometime you get a feel that this relationship was not the one you always desired for. There can be many reasons for such a feel and I don’t want to limit them by writing just few of them here.
This was the logical side of me. And I have been logical in most part of my life and believe me I do missed being loved. Love is beautiful, divine and serene. The way we don’t reason the existence of God, we should not reason the existence of love. We sometimes meet people in life who instantly make us feel that they are the ones for us. One should never let these people go.
Falling is love is like living a lifetime. One should not stop living just because one day death is a reality. Same way one should not stop loving just because you may not know where it will take you.
Love is beyond reasons…